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Showing posts from December, 2014

Things you will regret bringing forward in 2015!

1. Not loving you. You are the most important person in your life. Without you there is no you.  Make sure to love yourself good enough for others to be envious. Don’t let anyone treat you less than you deserve. It is important to love yourself enough to walk away from things that no longer work for you. It could be a job, relationship, people... As long as it does not work or add value to your life, please bounce ….walk away.  2. Not having a good relationship with God. Buddy, this life can be tough at times! You will have your friend ditch you at the hardest time of your life. You will have another lie to you continuous on how they cannot be available. A third one will give you a straight No when you need them most. So what do you do when life is all this tough? Woe unto you if you will not have a personal relationship with God, who promises to be close than a brother! In 2015 ensure that God is your number one priority! 3. Not having time for your f

Dear 2014; I am So Grateful !

Dear 2014,  Let me start by saying it is not easy writing this letter to you. Goodbyes have never been easy at any point. It has been 365 days and each day had its own interesting script.   However, I feel impelled to write a few lines that may impress your eyes before you leave. It is a mixed feeling to just know that I will not see you again.   I know you have attended a few funerals … and yes the feeling is the same. The difference is only that I know you are not dead. My biggest concern right now is that I actually have no idea where you are going too. But anyway that’s what, 2013, 2012, 2011… and all the others did. So may be …just may be this is one mystery I will have to live with. Now wherever you go please take my greeting with you. Let me be a little bit honest, the memories of the blissful moments I have enjoyed with you are overwhelming.   I am grateful to God and you that I truly enjoyed them.   There are   a few times I thought you had overst

15 Days for the Young, Rich and Restless Pockets (Merry Christmas-Happy Holidays)

So it’s Christmas time again! That time of the year when all our pockets are young, rich and restless. Yes very annoyingly restless. You know that bad urge to just indulge? The feeling that you just want to pick your neighbors cow by the tail and make it run all the way to the river and back then pay your neighbor a fat cheque for miss handling his cow? Yes! With a big big big fat cheque that you assumedly know they have never touched leave alone owning…That’s the feeling which is very mutual!  All the same; we all try to be smart during christmas seasons by making a few payments here and there before we go for our holiday. But honestly at times we just have to give up trying. Have you ever done something so stupid that you can’t wait to do it again? Yes me too. That’s what most of us do in December. We forget the landlord and all the bills and decide…. You know what, it just happens once in a year! Now, a person born the other day you should know that December and Janua