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Showing posts from June, 2014

Dear Hun,

  Dear  Hun, It’s slightly above a quarter century and still waiting patiently for the day you will be mine. You already have had a special place in my heart.  You will be the first related man to know and love in my life and to live under the same roof.  I may not know how people live with their brothers or fathers but all I can say is that I am looking forward and ready for the eventuality. I overhear it aint smooth either. At least I have had male figures in my life so it’s not going to be that bad. From a distance I stare at the sky ( You see the picture up there? That's me thinking about you 😀  and know that I already love you leave alone miss you. I know our Kid(s) will have the best father under the sun; one who will be there to teach them how to ride a bike ... to mention but a few. I already envy them! There are things I got to warn you about though; I am an extrovert but an introvert in thought. I also got a dominant sanguine character so you definitely

A Letter to the Younger You

Dear You , Let’s just say you are my hero so far. Not because you have done ‘out of this world things’ but just because you have kept focus on the race despite having done some of the dumbest things under the sun. You have been real but also made so many mistakes along the way. We all assumed the road would be straight but to your surprise it turned out to be the opposite. But you still walked anytime you did not have the strength to run. All the same none of us can change the past but we can create a new beginning anytime we want to! I have come to believe that being foolish is part of this life.  You cannot be too serious about life all the time. Either way no one has ever made it out alive! So don’t beat yourself too hard. Nevertheless, if I met you a few years ago I would tell you not to let fear be a stumbling block to experiencing new things . Fear is universal and we all experience it. However, how we deal with fear determines how far we go.  Try new things howeve