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Showing posts from November, 2015

It's not Your Fault!

It was the ‘loudest’ I had ever heard in a long time. It was freaking scary. I wanted to close my eyes but couldn’t because at the same time I wanted to witness what happens. The bus that carried my friends and I loses control and flies over a ditch. Only my friends are hurt. Myself, the driver and the rest of the passengers are not affected. The driver looks at me with an indifferent face and immediately tells me that I was to blame for the accident. He then jumps out of the bus and calls the other passengers at a distance. They starts talking is low tones. The driver comes back and tells me I was NOT to blame for anything .He then orders me out of the bus and takes me to sit on a raised rock a few meters away from the scene while the rest of the passengers are discussing in low tones.   Guilt conscious creeps in; I am scared, confused and I can no longer see my friends. One of the passengers walks towards me and asks, “why is the driver blaming you for the accident?’ I rais