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Showing posts from January, 2015

My 2015 Prayer!

  Today Lord as I bow down to you, I acknowledge that you a God above all others gods. Lord, you make all things new .You bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our Spirits to be born again. Thank you for 2015 and all the potential it holds. God, give me a clean heart, let me not fall from your sight oh Lord. Bless me, bless my family, my husband*, my children * and my friends. Bless my store houses, bless the work of my hands .Help me start every day on a fresh page. Lord, make the road rise up to meet me, the wind to always be at my back, the sun to always shine warming upon my face and the rains to soften my fields. Lord hold me in the palm of thy hand. I walk into 2015 a happy woman, just because I know my redeemer lives. I will trust in you. I will trust to do the impossible for you are a God that moves mountains. I pray to cross the norms, the borders, to lift more lives, as many as you place in my hands, to love and appreciate all the people you place in my life.

Bad Phone Habits!

I own one, a smart phone! It can do almost everything, but still not everything. It cannot wash my cloths, cook my food or even hug my friends and loved ones. It cannot replace the real ‘catching up’ . That catching up where you look at someone and listened to their soul not their words. That connection that needs no electricity to power it up. That catching up that gives healing or encouragement to a broken heart. No smart phone can sense human feelings, that moment when you tell someone ‘You don’t have to say a thing… Just give me a hug’… Have you ever visited someone to give that ‘1990’ company and ‘catch up’ only to realize that your host was absent all the time you offered?  They were trapped in a virtual space somewhere else with other virtual people. That they actually seem more uninterested with your vibe that their gadget? Yes am sure you must have! I have too. These fools are all over! Welcome to the senseless error of ‘My smart phone’. It is a bad habi

Wake me up when I got my rights back!

Stop and think …what is really happening to our beloved country. Our mother land! The Pride of Africa. Are we losing something? And if so what is it? I feel like a caged bird with wings to fly; yet no space to fly. My constitution does not seem to make sense any more, the custodians of the same are picking us left and center for voicing our grievances! Am I losing my constitutional rights?   19 th of January 2015 reminded me of some bad scenes of the Soweto Massacre. Everything about today was wrong and worse because our government officials were speaking in low tones this time round. But great is the common Kenyan who voiced out their disappointments on Social Media. We really hope to enjoy this space until this #greedyinhumanbadpeople bring it down. But wait a minute, How many of us will be picked up for disrespecting the government, or it personalities? The truth is that I feel unsafe even as I writing this article. I want to talk to the world, the president, to Dr. Eva